Friday, November 18, 2011

It’s HERE!!

After months and months of work the new site is up. I’m beyond thrilled to announce the beginning of my new integrated online shop where I’m offering limited edition high quality prints. Along with the new shop, I’m introducing signup’s for the workshops I currently offer. More workshops are being added monthly.

I have been wanting to have a integrated shop for years now, a place to sell numbered and signed one of a kind prints. Having little pieces of me in your home means the world to me. I have also been teaching photography workshops like a mad women for quite some time now through various places/companies as well as my own. It’s amazing that now people will have a place to sign up directly on my site, rather than the word of mouth that it used to be.

Growing your own company/brand is a hard, long, pain staking process…but let me tell you, IT IS SOOOOOO WORHT IT. Every new person I meet, teach or touch with my work makes everything I do worthwhile.

So go ahead and check out the new site! Sign up for Underwater Workshop while your at it! And if you like what you see buy a print…or two :D!

Happy Shooting


Monday, November 7, 2011

A little Something Beautiful

A sneak peek at a shoot I did for my most wonderful and insanely talented friend Betsy Flores. Her clothes are beyond amazing and I cannot wait to shoot the rest of her up and coming collection. Burnt chiffon?! I think yes! I love you missy and I cannot wait to see how far you’ll go.

Photographer: Krystal Donovan
Designer- Betsy Flores
Model- Lacée De Grasse

<3 Krystal