Wednesday, February 24, 2010

6 Ways Finalized

I finally finished my 6 Way's shoot (see previous post) However I changed my concept. I figured it would be easy to shoot something beautiful or interesting. So I challenged myself to come up with something original, find a boring object and photograph it in a way to make it more interesting than it actually is. Thus began the thinking process...
Hmmmm what's reaaally boring?
Well personally I'm not into landscape photography. I like people. So what's boring about landscape? Then I thought of that saying 'As boring as a bump on a log.' or however it goes.

Yes people... I took a series of pictures of a log. 6 different views, ENJOY ! or don't. I guess it depends if I managed to successfully capture this poor bump on a log, and make it a little more interesting. Let me know what you think!!

"Boring as a bump on a log"

Friday, February 19, 2010

Time to shoot

As school continues to commence, I've practically drowned in all the information strategically thrown my direction.

But low and behold I have finally nailed down a concept for my 'Motion' project! I'm shooting it this weekend and I'm SUPER excited.

Images soon to come...

Until then, look at these little beauties.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

6 Way's

It will suffice to say that I'm super stressed at the moment. Not only did it take me a week to come up with a concepts for my '6 ways' shoot (an assignment given to me by one of my professors) in which we must shoot an object or person from 6 different point's of view. Easy right? well we are supposed to shoot it at ISO 100, witch is crazy low seeing as there is no light here in San Francisco. All of my exposures are coming out a half stop underexposed.

Kill me now please...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Started school today.
First assignment is to come up with a compelling depth of field shot. As I was searching the web for inspiration I came across this little gem.

If I was only this witty...

Monday, February 1, 2010

So Sooowwy

Dear Blog,

I know I've been neglecting you lately. Moving to San Francisco and getting ready for school to start has been a bit overwhelming. But there is good news!! School starts tomorrow, thus I'll have images coming out of my ears to post :D.

Until then...

One of my favorite photos from Steve McCurry
