OK. I'm an olympian sleeper. Fall asleep in seconds & usually sleep 6/7 hours without waking. When I rarely wake in the middle of the night, I'm pretty blank unless someone close to me is ill or dying, or a breakup is taking place. Then it's all concerns or what if I did this or that? mostly though, I am wondering if I'll fall back to sleep or be a zombie the following day or just awake and blank.

My First Love
A young naive heart taken hostage
Hung by his love noose, tightened by passion
Quick pulses were suffocated by unbearable tension
His taut words cut into my veins
Tears of blood; he kissed her instead of me
But it was just once, he says, with Irresistible She
He loosened my knot to strangle infidelity
Despised liberty and a short breath of freedom
He’s the only one that will give my heart rhythm
Staunchest vessel, a narrow-minded nook
I was safely trapped when I heard “I love you”
Lesson learned; chest throbbing, I’m through
-Crossing my fingers for this one... I'm tired of searching for "the right one". I'll probably be better off on my own but I've already been sucked into him. Love this boy.

Ever since I met my boyfriend Benjamin last summer, my life has completely changed. It has for the better. I've never met someone so kind-hearted, loving, caring, respectful, funny, someone who can just simply listen to me, someone who I can talk for hours and hours with about life and everything in between. For a big part of my life, I was depressed, due to childhood memories of having low self esteem and never getting over the fact that I won't ever be good enough for anyone. Meeting Benjamin at the time I did in my life, was perfect. As strange as it may be with all that happened in my past up til that moment, I needed it. I needed someone like him. We have been friends for six years now. We were friends who fell in love with each other. It's been a little over ten months now and within all of that has happened in between; Benjamin has shown me that there is hope in everything. Everything in life, to the smallest to biggest things. Also that I don't have to try to be someone else just to have appreciation and love in return. That I can be exactly who I am without any worries. That I do have beauty in me, inside out. I have never met anyone so optimistic and hopeful in my life before and I've just got to say, Benjamin, you are the greatest person I'll ever know. Thank you for everything you've ever given me and taught me. Life would not be the same without you.
The bird represents hope Ben has given me each and every day/Benjamin, for his love for birds, and the hands represent what we once told each other, "No matter where we are in life, we'll get through everything together, hand in hand.

Busy as a bee these days...so much on my plate it's no wonder I'm gaining weight! Haha ;) But seriously, I can't wait for this semester to be over with, I can't wait to graduate already! At the same time, I wonder: Am I rushing through life instead of taking time to enjoy it? Aren't bees supposed to stop and smell the flowers every now and then? Ugh, gotta go...too many things competing for my time again...

I live for all that is good. I live for peace, for freedom and for love. I live for empathy. The wrongs we as humans have committed and continue to commit today are far beyond my comprehension. I wish there was something I could do to right those wrongs. I would be happy to see a world where there is no ‘victory’ in war. You can only lose a fight, there is no winning. I would be happy to see a world where it is possible to live as one with each other and with nature, where no enterprises or monopolies control society. I would be happy to see a world where we can treat each an every man and woman with trust and respect. ‘Until the color of a man’s skin is of no more significance than the color of his eye, me say war.’ And this is truth. Though the ghosts of our pasts do not allow this. There are so many different human beings in this world today and we all have a physical and psychological connection. We all see the sun as we rise and the moon as fall to rest. We see the stars and the planets and continue to explore other worlds. It is only a matter of time before we discover other life outside our world. I want to know if there is a more perfect intelligent being than mankind. One that doesn’t give into misguided genocides and all of our sociological imperfections. It’s amazing to think about all the different types of life forms that are gazing up at the stars thinking the same thing as us!

I love this girl.
funny, beautiful, artistic, smart, compasionite.
can't trust
cant let my guard down
scared of pain, past
I can trust you
I can love you

the maddest dreams in which I fall
are the only state in which I feel
an inch higher than my waking life
for only in them it is real
it is much too far to sense
no warmth is in the air
the distance is now blinding
I'm in the darkness of despair
more than a sensation, its a weighty silhouette
it blocks out every spec of light
it smothers every bit of breath
I'm curled up in a burrow
hiding from their eyes
I've lost the face they've come to know
raw absence crumbled my disguise
P.S. I have about 6 more to post so stay tuned !