just saw Julie & Julia, wonderful film. as I drove home from the theater I realized that this movie left me deep in thought, partly because my life is about to change in a monumental way, maybe I'm getting cold feet? everyone fear's the unknown right??
anyways here are a few of my thought's...
* I must live in europe for a portion of my life, MUST.
* what will my mark be? (You know, the one everyone want's to leave on this world, this life??)
* am I ok accepting and recognizing my own success without the validation of others?
* what's my story book ending?
* food is by far one of my best friends, food can make a bad day turn into sweet goodness.
* I need to get Julia Child's cook book ASAP.
* do I feed other people enough?
* I need to invest in more cooking items.
* am I living up to my full potential?
* will I be able to touch lives ? better yet, have I already?
* is moving to San Francisco going to change the course of my life as I know it? for those of you who don't know I'm moving up to San Francisco in a few months. a place where I know about ummmm Zero people! though this photography school is one of the best in the nation, which I am soooo lucky to be able to attend, still can't believe I got in !!! I find my self in a state of utter joy and slight panic. Far from everything I know and love, living in a BIG city for the first time, surrounded by fellow artist's.
what I do know is there is something in the act of 'creating' something that satisfies my very soul. I thank my lucky stars for the ability to 'see & create' with out it I'm not quite sure who I would be.
I think i'll take more pictures now.
the end
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