Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I love the way the rain smells

I'm working on a huge project right now that's keeping me all cooped up inside staring at a computer screen. But it's raining outside.
Don't you wanna just stand outside in the pouring rain sometimes? There's something cleansing about such a simple act.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Plain as day

Went to the park again. You'd think id be sick of it right? anyways here's a few shot's I took along the way.

Off to Shoot

But before I do, here's a quickie.

You know when you put a song on repeat and never tire of it? Well this is mine at the moment..

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hippie Hill

I had a wonderful Friday sitting at the park doing absolutely nothing. I think everyone should have a do nothing day !

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Light as a Subject part one

Quick post today, I'm still in the middle of studying for my last three midterms. But here is part one of an assignment due in a few weeks, 'Light As A Subject.' We must shoot three pictures with specific light parameters. One; window lighting. Two; TV with a person. Three; Incandescent lighting and natural lighting.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A weekend of Laughs

I think I am so blessed to have just absolutely WONDERFUL friend's who drove all the way up to San Fran this weekend to come visit me ! I had a wonderful time driving around town trying to make lefts when you can only make right's here, driving up & down roller coaster high streets, eating the most delicious food that you can only find here (I know Im bias) but I promise our food is to die for.

What was funny is I have a midterm due in one of my classes where we had to shoot a 'Day in The Life,' an unedited documentation of 24-36 exposures of your everyday life. I couldn't think of a better time to have to take a photograph every half hour! So here it is, my midterm and my weekend with the most fabulous set of people.

Love you Ladies ! Come back soon yeaah?
