Thursday, March 11, 2010

Where there is fire, we will carry gasoline

All theory and no action was my biggest fear. I guess I'll have to come up with a new biggest fear, beside worms of course.

I continually find myself diving head first into these deep conversation's with friends but mostly strangers (go figure), about life, change, willingness, love, marriage, actions, on the occasion politics, and fulfilling ones personal legend (read 'The Alchemist') if you haven't already, it's bases is everything I strive for everyone who has lost sight of theirs to re-gain.

Photography, that's my personal legend. For the first time in my life I'm really happy... I mean down to my core happy, of course I still have the occasional stress (mostly about printing on the right paper, or coming up with a compelling concept for my next shoot) or the old drunk man who harassed me on the Muni the other day. Did I tell that story?? I don't think I did... well here it is.

I was riding home from school on the Muni (subway) the other day, it was rush hour and it was pretty packed. So this old asian guy gets on and proceeds to sit right next to me. He smells like the inside of a Jack Daniel's bottle, and sure enough he whipped out a mini bottle from his coat pocket and downed a swig, 'nice' I thought to myself ignoring his rambling and Thi Chi with my head phone's, you know, like when you did when you were a kid? if I can't see him he can't see me. Ohhhh how I was wrong. After about a good 50 seconds of him staring at me I finally took off my headphones and looked at him, he proceeds to say (in a LOUD drunken voice) "YOUR Obama's DAUGHTER !!!!!, YOUR OBABA'S DAUGHTER RIGHT?!?! IM SURE OF IT !!!! @ this point the whole subway got silent...then burst out laughing. I wanted to crawl in a whole and die, I was mortified, I tried to explain that I was NOT in fact Obama's daughter, but I don't think it got through his drunken haze. People began texting and calling their friends and or family telling them about the crazy drunk guy and the alleged Obamas daughter on the subway, this went on for 20 min's until my stop. Story of my life, if it's going to happen to anyone it's going to happen to me.

Anywhooo, all in all, I am really happy in the direction that life has taken me (smiling as I write this) It's comforting to know that I'll never work a day in my life. Photography is like an extension of me, my art, my passion, my soul printed and stung up for all to see. Truly happy.

ok done rambling.


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